Friday, December 19, 2008

Joy to the world ...for its Christmas again.

I am an optimist. Despite economic and social turmoil around the work, I am looking forward to the new year and I see opportunities rather than doom and despair ahead. Maybe its that time of the year or maybe there is really a Santa Klaus. 

Events around the world in 2008 has really been gloomly worldwide with the financial problems in the US not helping at all. Most recently, we have seen floods in many countries, earthquake in Chile, plan crashes all over the world, bomb blasts in shopping centers, terrorist attacks in broad daylight, pirate attacks of Somalia waters, demonstrations in Bangkok and Greece, financial fraud of seimistic proportions in the US within just a few weeks.

It is time like this that we need something to cheer us up, some one to prop us up in spirit and a large does of friendship. I think this is precisely what Christmas will do. Its time to spread some festive cheer to weary hearts, to make friends & family feel good about themselves to experience the warm of the festive spirit. Remember, no one should walk alone during this period.

So please pull out your keyboard and put in some positive comments to this blog. We welcome stories about how you have help others in trouble or just highlight some heartlifting stories you have hear or just some cheerful anecdotes ....

1 comment:

  1. Keep writing, Shum. I believe you will make the world a better place to live in! ;)
